I checked on the INTERNET this morning, and I realized that with five individual WORLD titles, I was level with my elders Florian Rousseau and Arnaud Tournant, who were the sprint leaders in FRANCE when I STARTED at the French Institute of SPORTS and taught me everything. I had the chance to overtake them, and I did it.

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I WORK all the time; whatever I do, I do it, and I don't NECESSARILY LOOK at it as work. You COULD say the Auschwitz PROJECT was work, or the Lowy Institute is work, or Westfield is work, or the football is work. It is life.

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I guess it's from going to Virginia Military Institute. I'm a good PERSON to follow ORDERS.

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These guitar institutes and things like that, I think they TAKE AWAY people's identity and they're actually encouraging a lot of people to PLAY who are not naturally good PLAYERS anyway, but they're telling people that anyone can learn to play.

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In 1986, I was asked by the then-Dean of Science at the University of British Columbia, Dr. R.C. Miller, Jr., to establish a new interdisciplinary institute, the Biotechnology Laboratory. I decided that it was time for me to START paying back for the thirty years of FUN that I had been ABLE to have in research.

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The School of the Art Institute is an EXTRAORDINARY TEACHING institution by the FACT that it believes that active studio artists are good teachers. That may seem an obvious STATEMENT, but in higher education, it is often the student's course evaluations that win the day with administrators.

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We can't all work in the INNER CITY. And, I don't EVEN think that it is incumbent upon an African-American intellectual to be concerned in their work with problems of race and class. It's just one of the THINGS, that we here at the DuBois Institute, are concerned about.

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My GRADUATE STUDIES were carried out at the CALIFORNIA Institute of TECHNOLOGY.

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Kim Il Sung University is the central BASE for training NATIONAL cadres and the highest institute of Juche-based SCIENCE and EDUCATION.

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So, we should work on imparting QUALITY education and MAKE our children responsible citizens. For that, we should also come forward and do our bit. So I WANT to open an academic institute for the underprivileged children, where they can acquire knowledge and become responsible citizens.

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I have some friends, colleagues here at the Karolinska Institute and EVEN in the UNITED STATES and many other countries too, because we are working TOGETHER as scientists.

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I continued to suffer from anxiety and obsessive thoughts, although the thoughts stopped centering on hell. I MOVED into an ashram called the Himalayan Institute after college and STUDIED MEDITATION, which MADE an enormous difference.

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The LEADERSHIP TRAINING Institute of AMERICA is a cultural THINK tank providing training and OPPORTUNITY in leadership development and cultural dynamics.

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We benefited from an ENLIGHTENED POST-WAR period in the United STATES: Our NATIONAL Institutes of HEALTH have enthusiastically and generously supported basic research.

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Nevada has a world-class ECONOMY. It will only build a world-class CULTURE with world-class RESEARCH universities coupled with the Desert Research Institute.

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