I've had to TAKE a LOT of STICK down the years but the one thing that really GOT to me was when someone questioned my integrity. It's the one thing that really grates with you.
The 'play FAIR!' iniative is a plan for football. This STRATEGY aims to promote FAIRNESS and integrity, ensure the GAME is accessible to everyone and optimise the USE of technology.
I try to find the RIGHTDIRECTOR who won't compromise his or anyone else's integrity, and yet be POLITICAL enough to give the studio what they want, yet PUT up a fight to MAINTAIN that integrity.
As a former entrepreneur who left MAIN Street to help PRESIDENT Trump drain the swamp of corruption in Washington, I'm proud to spearhead the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 which will REDUCE billions of DOLLARS of improper payments from the federal government.
Sometimes I feel like the BEST role MODELS and the PEOPLE you should look up to most are the people who make mistakes because they SHOW you how to overcome them and walk through that mistake with INTEGRITY and grace.
What we try to do at Disney and through Disney character voices is really maintain the integrity of our CLASSIC characters at all costs. So Ariel NEEDS to be me for EVERYPROJECT, and if there are any other Ariels floating AROUND out there, it's not necessarily Disney.
It is up to you civilians to give a hand to SHOW that we intend to take our RESPONSIBILITIES to maintain the integrity of our EMPIRE, by GIVING the world proof that we have not all sold out to the Jew or Plutocrat.