I BELIEVE we have been too TOLERANT of the intolerant. We should LEARN to BECOME intolerant of the intolerant.

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We should be TOLERANT to PEOPLE who are tolerant to US. We should be intolerant to people who are intolerant to us.

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Yes, India is intolerant towards women, at least when it comes to their SAFETY ISSUES. When I was shooting in Jharkhand, I was CONSTANTLY being followed by two soldiers to ensure that I was safe. Women are so unsafe in our COUNTRY.

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The BRITISH in South Africa ALWAYS portrayed themselves as more enlightened and TOLERANT than the 'narrow-minded', 'intolerant' Boers.

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Alex Jones is not the FIRST broadcaster targeted by intolerant left-wing ACTIVISTS. RUSH Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Michael SAVAGE, and others have all been targeted, and they've been fighting against CENSORSHIP for decades.

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