The designs of the PAPER euros, introduced in 2002, proclaim a utopian aspiration. GONE are the COLORFUL bills of particular nations, featuring pictures of national heroes of statecraft, CULTURE and the arts, pictures CELEBRATING unique national narratives. With the euro, 16 nations have said goodbye to all that.

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I HOPE our SOUND has introduced pop FANS to classic and vice versa.

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You're not going to see a wholesale switch over to all 4K by 2K. It will start with one, two, three, four channels, just LIKE high definition (HD) when it was FIRST introduced.

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HARD rock I got into around twelve or thirteen. My uncle introduced me to Scorpions, Great White and EVERYTHING rock. From there, I expanded out, and I listened to NUCLEAR Assault, Exodus, Megadeth, King Diamond and MISFITS, of COURSE.

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I applaud Lt. Gov. MARK Hutchison and the LEGISLATORS in the Nevada STATE Senate who have introduced SB 26 to FIGHT the BDS MOVEMENT in Nevada.

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Around sixth or seventh GRADE, I FELL in LOVE with Tim Duncan and his all-around GAME. That's when I started watching him. Then my father introduced me to Hakeem Olajuwon. Those were the two guys I modeled my game after.

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Introduced to this world in Llandyssul, Cardiganshire, Wales, November 14, 1843, I celebrated my first ANNIVERSARY by landing at CASTLE Garden, in New York CITY.

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My manager introduced me to the 'Rise to HONOR' team. I was curious about what it took to be INVOLVED in VIDEO games, a completely new form of entertainment to me.

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I used to WRITE letters to Jim McKay in college. 'Wide World of SPORTS' was this travelogue, really, that introduced US to sports and it introduced us to parts of the world that we had never seen before. And no one was a bigger TOUR guide than Mr. McKay.

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I wasn't that into CRIME novels at all, but a FRIEND introduced me to the work of Jim Thompson - I loved all his BOOKS.

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When the car was introduced in 1908, people could experience a BRAND new way to travel that was more efficient than a horse and buggy. Can you believe that CITIES TRIED to outlaw cars in the United States? Can you imagine driving a car for a year then having to GO BACK to a horse and buggy?

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Most boys' FIRST hero is their father. That was definitely true of my dad. He was a proud IRISH American and he TAUGHT me a lot about ethics and responsibility. He also introduced me to a lot of WONDERFUL folk music.

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I GOT introduced to Shakespeare at four years OLD, and I FELL in LOVE with the language.

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Football helped me with confidence that I NEEDED. It gave me a sense of independence and earning my own money and my own keep. That's what it SERVED. It gave me the STRENGTH to be ABLE to deal with rejection, politics, hard work, and being introduced to pain and embracing what's uncomfortable.

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Weird Al was something that kids would listen to. It's funny, super funny, SMART. It's just kind of jokey. I remember HEARING 'Smells Like Nirvana' before hearing 'Smells Like Teen Spirit.' That's how it really WORKED. I THINK it's just such a cool thing how he introduced us to so many cool bands. Even Queen - 'Another One RIDES the Bus.'

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