When people SAY 'let's do something about it', they mean 'let's get hold of the POLITICAL machinery so that we can do something to SOMEBODY else.' And that somebody is invariably you.

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MANY men think they're playboys, but they invariably land wide of the mark. Surrounding yourself with champagne, fast FRIENDS, and paid escorts is the very definition of the WORD 'loser.'

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For me, each journey to Romania is also a journey into another TIME, in which I NEVER knew which EVENTS in my life were coincidence and which were staged. This is why I have, in every public statement I have MADE, demanded access to the secret files kept on me which, under VARIOUS pretexts, have invariably been denied me.

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I won't mention NAMES, but in my CAREER, the most talented people invariably are the EASIEST and NICEST to get along with.

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I've DONE tons of GUEST SPOTS and in PARTS where the character invariably dies or is dead.

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FILM wise, I invariably look at my work and reckon I could have done it BETTER. I'm ALSO conscious that I'm in a PROFESSION where we get more praise than we should compared to the usefulness of what we do.

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I can STAY under 215 POUNDS, which is PRETTY good for me, if I stay off the ROAD. If I go on the road, I invariably eat garbage and START to lose my girlish figure.

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It's no small IRONY that the government INEVITABLY and invariably ENDS up promoting precisely that which they WOULD most LIKE to repress.

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PEOPLE who ENJOY what they are doing invariably do it WELL.

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I've seen the PEOPLE who TALK about their love LIVES in PRINT invariably have doomed relationships with the PERSON they're talking about.

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Every generation comes upon the movie again, and then, invariably, the BOOKS have a spike in SALES because people want to READ more about Mary Poppins.

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The MIRACLE Mop created an ENTIRELY new category of STICK GOODS - the twist mop. And when I demonstrated it for PEOPLE, they'd invariably say, 'I have to have that.'

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I sometimes write in a CAFE down the road from my house now because I FEEL guilty trying to work if I can hear them playing. I invariably END up SAT in a corner, depressed, retreating into my own WORLD.

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I have invariably been in love when I haven't had the same reciprocated emotion at all. I don't choose to talk about my PERSONAL LIFE because I BELIEVE that I don't want to, and I believe my personal life is personal.

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If I give a book as a GIFT, it is invariably a children's book with beautiful artwork and a simple text. I adore the feel of them, the care TAKEN in the artwork, and the HIGH visual stimulation that sets off the simple but OFTEN powerful MESSAGE the text conveys.

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