As far as I have been ABLE to understand, the Japanese seem to keep things close to the vest. Friendly but remote and polite to the POINT of being invisible. It is in the music, LITERATURE, film and art that the Japanese REALLY seem to express themselves.
Read MoreThere's a tacit belief that actors shouldn't WRITE BOOKS, they're sort of allowed to direct movies but there will be a lot of SKEPTICISM, and they shouldn't do artwork or music. There are these invisible roadblocks to gain entree to these areas for actors, and you KIND of have to crash through those invisible BARRIERS.
Read MoreThe invisible dilemma is that men FACE the very real PROBLEM that they don't feel COMFORTABLE bringing these issues up and they tend not to be acknowledged at WORK.
Read MoreWhy don't we hear more about and from Asians when it comes to race in America? Are Asians the new Invisible Man - there but not there? In some WAYS, YEAH. BLACKS and whites are always carping about the metrics of racism. And any CONVERSATION about immigration reform is immediately flipped into a referendum on Hispanics.
Read MoreI wanted to show that EVEN if you fail, you have the ability to pick yourself up off the floor and try again. I wanted to show a different side of what a DISABILITY LOOKS like to highlight all the invisible ONES.
Read MoreI just THINK that, for my PARTICULAR PERSONALITY, feeling slightly INVISIBLE is always a HELP.
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