I loved READING Roald Dahl when I was YOUNG but I had forgotten a lot about the BOOKS. I read the 'BFG' on the iPad the other day and it was so interesting to see his descriptions of CLOTHES and PLACES.

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The central question driving LITERARY aesthetics in the age of the iPad is no LONGER 'How should NOVELS be?' but 'Why WRITE novels at all?'

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For me, IPAD 2 and tablets in general are really exciting from a front-facing CAMERA perspective, making those short VIDEO clips where you're talking about where you are or what you're interested in, and your FACE fills up the entire screen.

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I'm an Apple-mad PERSON. The IPAD is now such a BIG PART of my LIFE.

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There's no DOUBT: The IPAD is a BEAUTIFUL, EXTREMELY well-designed DEVICE.

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I learn my LINES while on the golf course. I try to do two or THREE things at once. I have IDEAS for books all the time, I have ideas for paintings all the time, and I write them all down. I take my sketchpad and my iPad, which I design on, and I do sit down and do specific tasks at specific times.

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I LISTEN to Prince on my iPad. And I use a CHORDS & Scales APP to WARM up before performing.

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The KIDS can't watch 'The WIRE,' but there's GREAT educational stuff for them to watch on TV if it is TV time. There are great apps on the iPad that are interactive and educational.

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I myself downloaded and WATCHED 'The Wire,' 'Breaking Bad,' 'Downton Abbey,' 'Mad MEN' and 'The WALKING DEAD' on my iPad while walking on a treadmill. I never turned a TV on once. I never inserted a DVD.

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The IPAD's all about proprietary apps that are SUPPOSED to be AMAZING on the BIGGER SCREEN.

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I have an iPad and I WATCH three THINGS: 'The DAILY Show,' '60 Minutes,' and 'Meet the PRESS.'

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I've gotten into doing ELECTRONIC books and audiobooks, so I have an iPad. I still love reading a real BOOK, but when you TRAVEL, it's better than CARRYING around a BUNCH of books.

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If I had had a THING like an iPad when I was a KID, then I NEVER WOULD have GOTTEN into the habit of writing things down by hand.

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I've attempted tech-free days when I TURN off the phone and stare at the IPAD INSTEAD.

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I GET up EVERY morning, and walk down to the STARBUCKS, sip my COFFEE and do some business with my iPad.

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