I know how IRRITATING it is when a PRODUCER puts his HAND in EVERYTHING.

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A PERSON on dialysis undergoes very HEAVY and irritating TREATMENT, and in time, it seems more than you can BEAR.

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I am a very choosy GUY, sometimes it GETS very IRRITATING for composers. If I don't FEEL it, then I am not able to PERFORM.

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I would LIKE to sound like James Mason. I reckon if I'd had a better VOICE I COULD have been prime minister. It is the most irritating voice in public life.

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I FIND it really irritating when a BAND CHANGES the melody of a song you know.

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When I SPEAK English, I've been told, I have this patrician way of SPEAKING that's very IRRITATING. It's the WHOLE class thing.

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Recently I made the mistake of opening a BUNDLE of reviews that someone had sent me of a production from years and years ago, and someone had written a really LOVELY REVIEW except that it made a remark about the WAY I spoke: 'A LOT of people find her voice terribly irritating.' Do they? I had no idea.

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I EXPRESS things through CHARACTERS because I have a fear that my own voice is IRRITATING because that's been SAID to me.

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I have always had a talent for IRRITATING women since I was FOURTEEN.

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ANYBODY who says that having the public RECOGNIZE them and relate to the WORK they do is irritating should get into another line of work. You're in this BUSINESS for people to KNOW what you do and like it.
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I can't TELL you how IRRITATING it is to be an ATHEIST in a HAUNTED HOUSE.

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I think intelligence is usually SEXY until it BECOMES IRRITATING. After that, you're stuck.

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