If a politician takes a bribe to do what he thinks would have been BEST for the PUBLIC anyway, he STILL goes to jail. If he's president, under a Constitution that refers to impeachment specifically for 'bribery,' as WELL other 'high CRIMES and misdemeanors,' he should still be removed.
I stayed because it was NORMAL. After the first hit, you don't think they're going to do it again. And it does escalate, but I stayed because it became normal. I didn't call the police because I didn't WANT them to go to JAIL and it just was normal.
I wrote a lot of lyrics in prison, but they'd all be like, 'Crawls upon the shoulders, hatred in the eyes.' I wrote about 50 songs in there that were all about jail. I've come out and thought, 'I've only SERVED eight weeks; I can't really WRITE a concept ALBUM about jail.'
When you go to jail, there's so much simple stuff MISSING. You just WANT some good toilet paper or a real toothbrush, a real BLANKET and a real BED to lay in.
If you prosecute a CEO or other SENIOR executive and SEND him or her to jail for committing a CRIME, the deterrent effect in my view vastly outweighs even the best compliance program you can put in PLACE.