I THINK my IDEAL position is to join the ATTACK a bit more like I did at Shakhtar. I played more as a box-to-box midfielder, so I played a little bit further forward.

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China's environmental conundrums will not be solved by changes within government alone. New mechanisms are NEEDED to allow the COMMUNITIES which MAY be AFFECTED by a given plan, and citizens concerned about the environment, to join in.

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The DECISION to join or not join a SERVICE union, political party or other organization should be left up to the INDIVIDUAL. No such organization has the right to take money out of the POCKETS of state workers without their proper consent.

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After I left D.C. to JOIN Black FLAG, I felt I was in a BAND.

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I NEVER was a hippie! I went to India because so MANY FRIENDS like Mia Farrow and the Beatles were GOING there to discover truth. And so I went and trekked through India by myself, but instead of discovering truth, I wanted to join the PEACE Corps.

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It's important to ensure that the person who replaces Tim Scott be a reliable conservative, a proven FIGHTER and a leader who will join our mission to cut wasteful WASHINGTON SPENDING. I'm CONVINCED the best person for the job is Larry Grooms.

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I remember when I LEFT Newcastle to join Tottenham Hotspur, the MONEY was in no WAY a motivation for me, it was all about BECOMING a better PLAYER.

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I had been played at LEFT back, RIGHT back, and I just felt like I wasn't developing as a PLAYER. I saw the opportunity to join Tottenham and I TOOK it, because I felt it was the best decision for all PARTIES.

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WRITE a lot. And finish what you write. Don't join writer's clubs and GO sit around having coffee reading pieces of your manuscript to people. Write it. Finish it. I set those rules up YEARS ago, and NOTHING's CHANGED.

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Not one has EVER LEFT my team to GO join a gang.

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These kids are LOOKING for direction, for identification. Kids JOIN gangs because they NEED a father figure or they WANT to be PART of a group.

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EVERY YEAR that I go out on tour, I think about all the craziest ideas that would be great to go out with, and I think, 'I should see if Jeff Beck wants to join my BAND for a MONTH or SOMETHING.'

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One day I got a PHONE CALL, and JOHNNY and Dee Dee asked me if I WANTED to join their BAND. I said, 'Yeah.'

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Anytime someone SAYS your God is UGLY and you release your God and join their God, there is no hope for your FREEDOM until you once more BELIEVE in your own CONCEPT of the 'deity.'

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I REALLY am PART whale. I want to do a movie like 'The Incredible MR. Limpet' and join a FAMILY of whales.

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