I've had HUNDREDS of requests from JOURNALISTS all over the WORLD asking me to SPEAK about Leicester, which is astonishing. It's captured the imagination.

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As JOURNALISTS we are sceptical by NATURE, but there are some THINGS you TAKE on TRUST.

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We will CERTAINLY see teachers, journalists, artists and POETS in SPACE. WHATEVER it takes to the be the best is what it will take to get you into space.

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When the JOURNALISTS asked Gene, 'Why didn't you MARRY the BEAUTIFUL GIRL in 'The Woman in Red'?' he would always reply, 'I did!'

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It is beyond dispute that President OBAMA and his aides have an EXTREME, even unprecedented obsession with concealing embarrassing INFORMATION, controlling the flow of information, and punishing anyone who stands in the way. But, at least theoretically speaking, it is the job of JOURNALISTS to impede that effort, not to serve and enable it.

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Normally SKEPTICAL JOURNALISTS routinely give renewables a pass. The reason isn't because they don't KNOW how to report critically on energy - they do regularly when it comes to non-renewable energy sources - but RATHER because they don't WANT to.

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A LOT of what JOURNALISTS WRITE is drivel.

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Because most journalists are secular, they can be gullible in looking to the RELIGIOUS RIGHT as arbiters of biblical INTERPRETATION, especially as it relates to hot-button CULTURAL and political ISSUES.

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Usually when reporting on POWERFUL public figures, the press advisor and I would have had a CONVERSATION that established what journalists call 'ground RULES,' placing RESTRICTIONS on what can and cannot be reported.

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JOURNALISTS and activists ALIKE have an obligation to DESCRIBE environmental problems honestly and accurately, even if they fear doing so will reduce their NEWS value or salience with the public.
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I TRY to AVOID Politico to spare myself psoriasis of the brain but so many journalists cite it that I'm FORCED to be aware of it no MATTER how big a moat I BUILD.

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Journalists USED to be obsessed with working at a New York magazine or newspaper or TV NETWORK. Now the entire industry is obsessed with going viral and how WORDS will be received via social media.

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You know, Greenwich VILLAGE was the traditional bohemia of New YORK. I wish I could say that was entirely TRUE now. It's, uh... changed. It's now got, God help us, investment bankers and journalists, but it's still a very beautiful part of New York.

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