Reading and writing is so important, and it's SOMETHING I am really KEEN to promote. It's something that can be a bit LOST these DAYS with so much else going on.

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I never wanted to BECOME a CA. My father was keen that I become one because he thought that was the right THING for me to do. I didn't have the courage to TELL him that I don't want to do it. But now, I can't thank him more for having PUT me through it.

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The gimmicky THING I'm not very KEEN on.

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I'm really keen to see a Labour GOVERNMENT because there are many things to be DONE, not LEAST pursuing a sensible BREXIT and not one that damages our economy and JOBS.

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MARK Watson is SOMEONE I'm keen on as a FELLOW nervous PERSON.
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There were no museums or galleries in Shanghai, but I was very keen on art - I was always SKETCHING and copying, and sometimes I think that my WHOLE career as a WRITER has been the substitute work of an unfulfilled PAINTER.

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My WIFE's a really keen baker, and her MOTHER is also a really keen baker, so they were GIVING me a little HAND over the weekend, and giving me tips, things like that.

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Wine is my PASSION. I'm not KEEN on the SNOBBERY or elitism of wine, that's not what it's about - I just really enjoy it.

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I've never been keen on OPEN adoption. It doesn't seem to solve the main problem with adoption, which is that somebody feels she was ABANDONED by SOMEONE ELSE.

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I am a BIG fan of smelly cheeses but the rest of the family don't SEEM to be PARTICULARLY KEEN on them.

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I'm not KEEN on interfering with NATURE; I don't WANT to edit my genome.

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I am all for greening TALL BUILDINGS, but I'm ALSO very keen to note that greening a BUILDING doesn't cope with the PROBLEM of the tall building in the texture of the city.

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My HUSBAND was ACTUALLY very keen that I would BECOME a BOND girl.

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My mother was KEEN that I complete my graduation and never ever WANTED me to be in the movies, as my father had made five films that lost MONEY. One of the films he made was 'Agneepath,' which was hugely hyped but underwhelming at the box office, and I remember that my dad had to sell my GRANDMOTHER's flat to pay off the loan.

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I'm very KEEN on OUTDOOR THINGS, LOTS of RUNNING and cycling.

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