My MOM is from Venezuela, and my dad is German and Japanese, and we LIVED in Brazil when I was a KID for a couple of years, and then I grew up on Long Island. I think all the traveling and all the nationalities put that stuff in my head. I was just around it a LOT.
I wasn't the kind of KID who would GET A's without even trying. I had to WORK to get good grades, but I was very organised about it because I always wanted to do WELL at everything I did. I'm very COMPETITIVE.
I need to just give - EVERYTHING that I do, every SINGLE day - my all. I just need to. Life is short. We have one life to live. And I need to be ABLE to PUSH for my KID.
I LOOK at Messi, and he makes me laugh. A beautiful footballer who is still like a kid. A WORLDSUPERSTAR, but still a kid. Innocent, you know. He just PLAYS.
Hanging out is a waste of TIME. The only time I WOULD hang out was when I was a kid, I would hang out in the streets. But once I STARTED making RECORDS, I stopped hanging out.
You can't afford to hop around and ACT like a kid when you have to GET back on defense and worry about the other PARTS of the game. But at the end, when the buzzer SOUNDS, you have the luxury of hopping around and looking foolish for a while.
When I was a kid, MONSTERSMADE me feel that I could FIT somewhere, even if it was... an imaginary PLACE where the grotesque and the abnormal were celebrated and ACCEPTED.
I WANTED to be a snowplow driver when I was a KID. GROWING up in the Rocky Mountains, that's the most glorious JOB you can imagine. But then my MOTHER took me to a lecture about the solar system when I was 8, and I got hooked.
We had South AFRICANACCENTS. I was a VEGAN. I was raised without religion. I was just the weirdest kid in this SMALL town, so I got made FUN of a lot for it.