A real MAN LOVES and respects his wife and is not only a GOOD father but a man that his KIDS want to CALL 'Daddy.'

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But that's my POINT on intergender wrestling - I don't like to see things where a MAN is going to PUNCH a WOMAN. I just think about the kids that are watching. I take that into consideration.

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I LEARNED more of how to APPRECIATE what I had then - my family, my kids, the talent that God GIVES you - because He can TAKE it away at any time. He took it away from BRIAN through death. He took it away from me through my knees.

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If you are born into poverty, the chances are GOOD that your children will be born into poverty. Find a way to give POOR KIDS the same cognitive stimulus that rich kids receive, and they should end up with the same TOOLS for success.

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I started modeling when I was about 2 or 3 YEARS OLD; I started with Baby Guess, and I did Guess Kids, and that was the extent of my modeling career as a kid. I took all of my elementary, MIDDLE and high school years off to focus on school and SPORTS.

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We should be dreaming. We GREW up as kids having DREAMS, but now we're too SOPHISTICATED as adults, as a NATION. We stopped dreaming. We should always have dreams.

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TEACHING kids about health and fitness is important to me. It's about being FIT for life.
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The CLUB KIDS were about fun. Wild, MESSY fun - the more debauched, the better.

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I LIKE kids' work more than work by REAL artists any DAY.

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It's about getting the kids up and fed, getting one to SCHOOL, getting the other down for a nap, going to the grocery store, PICKING one up from school, getting the other one down for another nap, cooking dinner... I live my LIFE at these TWO EXTREMES. I'm either a full-time stay-at-home mom or a full-time actress.

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I LOVE being around KIDS; they're honest and REFRESHING, and I love TEACHING them NEW things.

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I THINK FAMILY mealtime is really important. There's a lot of RESEARCH that SHOWS kids are going to do better in school and have more self-esteem if you can all SIT down and eat together.

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I'm gonna PUT a curse on you and all your KIDS will be BORN completely NAKED.

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When I first started acting, I was actually working with the NATIONAL Youth Theatre in London doing anti-knife crime workshops, so I was LISTENING to a lot of music that was around us all the time, around the guys I was working with, and the kids - lots of YOUNG grime artists from London.

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We have these weapons of mass DESTRUCTION on every STREET corner, and they're called DONUTS, cheeseburgers, French fries, potato chips, junk FOOD. Our kids are LIVING on a junk food diet.

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