Every spring, this HAPPENS: People discover HOCKEY when daylight lasts longer and men grow beards and tie games do not end in shootouts but rather continue until a GOAL is scored. The seventh game only heightens the mood for players and FANS alike.
My favourite two festivals have ALWAYS been the Big DAY Out and Summersonic in JAPAN. The Big Day Out is a little more FUN because it lasts longer. It's like an abbreviated version of the Warped tour because you get to play with the same people every day, which is REALLY fun.
A workday lunch that lasts as long as a transcontinental flight is an impossibility for all but the most pliant and footloose of FOOD tourists. To GET in the game, you NEED a thick wallet, an adventurous palate, and a WHOLE lot of time.
Try to accomplish things you have always dreamt of while you can. I KNOW it SOUNDSCLICHE, but the biggest LESSON I have learned is that life is PRECIOUS; enjoy it while it lasts.
It is a fact that everyone's got a limited run in MUSIC - but who's to say how long that run lasts? I used to think that there WOULD be no way I'd STILL be in music when I was 40. I used to think anyone who was 40 was an old man, and they probably shouldn't be doing it anymore.
I say DEMOCRATS should not be afraid to talk about the MORALITY of life, of caring for children who are BORN. It seems the Republican obsession with being pro-life LASTS about nine months. After that, it's each BABY for herself.
I've had a GREAT time coaching teams in these VARIOUS T20 tournaments but that INVOLVEMENT obviously only lasts for a FINITEPERIOD. I just felt I was too young to be doing what I was doing.