When JENNIFER Lawrence says it's 'dumb' to go HUNGRY to make other people happy, she's SAYING it with the carefree attitude of a woman who probably will never have to make that CHOICE to conform.
The REASONJENNIFER Lawrence is allowed to be a body-positive role model to YOUNGGIRLS and 'chubby' WOMEN is because she is representative of conventional beauty.
I suppose I prefer KIND of EPIC dramas like, oh, I don't KNOW... 'Lawrence Of Arabia' or 'Apocalypse Now'; those are the movies that I have a TENDENCY to be most fond of.
MARK Helprin and Lawrence Durrell, both of whom WRITE fat and florid novels that appall me now but opened my EYES to the power of FICTION when I was in my 20s.
One indicator of Ernest Lawrence's influence is the FACT that I am the eighth MEMBER of his LABORATORY staff to receive the HIGHESTAWARD that can come to a scientist - the Nobel Prize.
I have a good sense of humor. I'm not Martin Lawrence by any MEANS. I'm a little too country to be Chris Rock. But I FANCY myself as being SOMEBODY with a good sense of humor.