I found that gloss paint suited me entirely, and its QUALITIES STILL intrigue me. It's viscous and fluid and feels like a pool. It's HIGHLY reflective, which means there are layers of LOOKING. You look at the picture, and you look at the surface, then you look at the REFLECTION in the surface behind you, then you look at yourself.
Read MoreAs an actor, you want to be able to move your character forward into new ground, but also it's really interesting to GO backwards and unpeel those LAYERS and the interesting elements of what your character is and what informs the DECISIONS that you make so that you can have as much meat to work with.
Read MoreI have to strip away all the layers when I'm WRITING the song. I have to cut through all these layers of YEARS of putting up walls and putting PROTECTIVE layers around myself.
Read MoreWe LIKE layers of character and personality in our storytelling. We like very distinctive, UNIQUE PERSONALITIES interacting with each other. And I think, because there are two of us, and we're a collective, we identify with that. We CALL it the mastermind principle: Two MINDS aren't doubly better than one - they're exponentially better than one.
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