I won't compare ANTS and people, but ants give us a useful MODEL of how single members of a COMMUNITY can become so organized that they END up resembling, in effect, one big collective brain. Our own EXPLODING population and communication technology are leading us that way.

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I'm a leading lady character ACTOR; I don't FIT in one slot simply. I've always been USED to a CERTAIN amount of struggle, and that prepared me wonderfully for a mature age.

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Edible substances evoke the secretion of thick, concentrated saliva. Why? The ANSWER, obviously, is that this enables the MASS of food to PASS smoothly through the tube leading from the mouth into the STOMACH.

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People LISTEN to what their political LEADERS are TELLING them, and my view is both that Trump is tapping into some racially ugly attitudes, but also that he is leading people to racially ugly attitudes.

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Panko crumbs have TONS of SURFACE AREA, LEADING to exceptionally crisp coatings.

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I had already PLAYED a lead on Broadway before I ever did a film. I had had THREE, four seasons of stock with good, fat parts, good supporting and LEADING parts. And I had DONE, oh, God, over 400 live TV shows.

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The timeline is KIND of coming to an END as far as LEADING up to FREE agency.

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Being a LEADING man can COME in MANY different FORMS.

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I don't know what can be so dangerous about GIVING people HOPE. Causing people to have better RELATIONSHIPS. I'm not LEADING them to some false God or SOMETHING like that.

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I've never had any delusions about being a LEADING man, and it's not sour grapes to SAY that in the best FILMS that I've always ENJOYED, the cliched leading man type isn't a part of the PICTURE.

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I was a theater MAN, so I was never in the SITUATION of being a HANDSOME Hollywood leading man, and then having to AGE.

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Education is the LEADING of human SOULS to what is BEST, and MAKING what is best out of them.

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You grow up a BIT DAMAGED or broken then you have some SUCCESS but you don't KNOW how to feel good about the WORK you're doing or the life you're leading.

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I don't think I'm leading lady MATERIAL, and I was always the wrong shape. I was never tall ENOUGH. But it was more lack of confidence. I shunned doing straight parts. I didn't think I was a GOOD enough actress, so I thought I MIGHT as well do something they were supposed to laugh at.

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I keep saying that, if Samuel L. Jackson and Bette Davis COULD have a baby, it WOULD be Taraji P. Henson. To me, she's one of the greatest character actors of our generation, let ALONE leading LADIES. She's just phenomenal in everything she does.

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