For a long time, when I was very young, I went to go SEE arena ROCKBANDS. I was 16, and it was all I could get in to see, LEGALLY. And I saw Led Zeppelin and Ted Nugent and VAN Halen and all that.
We were lucky in the days of Led Zeppelin. Each ALBUM was different. We didn't have to continue a formula or PRODUCE a certain number of singles. Because, in those days, RADIO was still PLAYING albums. That was really GOOD.
Comrade Kim Jong Il energetically led the work of defending and honouring Comrade Kim Il Sung's IDEAS of and exploits in the Juche-oriented WOMEN's MOVEMENT.
I call myself an ACCIDENTALENTREPRENEUR. I was all set to take up a brewing job in SCOTLAND when a chance encounter with an Irish entrepreneur led me to set up a biotech business in INDIA instead.