I love LEG LOCKS and heel HOOKS and kneebars. They're COMPLEX and hard to AVOID.

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I've heard this stuff about a kicker 'losing his leg' ever since I was a rookie, and I can TELL you that there is nothing to it. Every time a field goal kicker misses a few, the word gets AROUND that he's lost his leg, MEANING his kicking strength.

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When I jerked it out the HEAD remained in my LEG, where it REMAINS STILL. There were a couple of inches of blood on the shaft of the arrow when I pulled it out.

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I started playing soccer FIRST and then basketball. I had a leg injury when I was young and my mom SAID, 'come on, try to choose a different SPORT.'

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I thought if anyone NEED a leg up, it was our foster children. So, I started getting involved in education REFORM, and that was back in 1998. And as a result of all the reform work that I had done, people urged me to run for the Minnesota STATE Senate. I did, I was there for SIX YEARS.

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MONEY is LIKE an arm or LEG - use it or lose it.
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I was very CLOSE to having my WHOLE LEG amputated. It was a life-altering EVENT. It took years of rehab.

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A LIBERAL will CUT off your LEG so he can HAND you a crutch.

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EVEN the smallest DOG can LIFT its LEG on the tallest BUILDING.
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I'd hope that when CHANNEL 4 started, 'The Last LEG' was the KIND of show it wanted to be PUTTING out. I think they're really proud of it.

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I'm a born and bred NEW Yorker. I BELONG here. Everytime I leave it's LIKE LOSING a leg.

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Barboza is up there. He's a scary fight, but I LIKE being SCARED. And that's a fight that me, as a fan, would want to see. I KNOW how much fans would love something like that. So I'll go out there and try to finish that DUDE with leg kicks.

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I miss being ABLE to play my instruments - I'm too much of a physical wreck these days. Playing the vibraphone gives me backache, LEG ache, and everything-else ache, and the ASTHMA MEANS I no longer have ENOUGH puff to play harmonica.

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Having the hip SURGERY and then STILL having the pain with it, I was kind of scared jumping off one leg, jumping off TWO FEET. I was scared to be explosive.

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I've GOT a scar on my shin from when I got shot in New York when I was 17. I was OUTSIDE a McDonald's and SOMEBODY shot a gun from a CAR, and the bullet grazed my leg.

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