I had been a lifelong Alan Turing obsessive. Among INCREDIBLY nerdy teenagers, WITHOUT a lot of friends, Alan Turing was ALWAYS this luminary FIGURE we'd all look up to.

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I LOVE being an ENTERTAINER. It's ALMOST been a lifelong journey to FIND out what I wanted to do.

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My goal had been to win a championship, work toward the Hall of Fame, have my jersey retired by the team and I'd GO in as a lifelong New York Giant, but I'm now resigned to the FACT that this won't HAPPEN.

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Teachers have told us ACROSS the country that what's severely outdated is the TEACHER at the front of the classroom as the font of knowledge, because as we know, access to knowledge and INFORMATION is now ubiquitous. So INSTEAD, teachers want to help students LEARN how to think so that they can be lifelong learners.

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I'm a lifelong DISNEY NUT.

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I don't want the George CLOONEY lifelong bachelorhood. If I found the RIGHT PERSON, I WOULD commit in a minute.

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When I give away a BOOK for free, it gets my NAME out there. That has lifelong VALUE for me that goes WAY beyond the few dollars I could maybe CHARGE.

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I'm a lifelong strong supporter of the SECOND Amendment, and I've owned and used firearms since I was 10 YEARS OLD.

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When you work alongside somebody DAY in and day out, the RELATIONSHIPS TEND to be WONDERFUL: they're lifelong.

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I stepped out on FAITH to FOLLOW my lifelong dream of being an AUTHOR. I made real sacrifices and TOOK big risks. But living, it seems to me, is largely about RISK.

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I come here TONIGHT as a sister, BLESSED with a brother who is my mentor, my protector and my lifelong friend. And I come here as a WIFE who loves my husband and believes he will be an extraordinary president.

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As lifelong fans of comic BOOKS, Dan Didio and myself, we definitely have our own takes on what make for SUCCESSFUL comics and the KIND of comics that we WANT to publish.

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I loved my TIME at BYU. It was an UNBELIEVABLE experience with the fans, and the people that I have met, I have lifelong relationships STILL.

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GENRE PLEASURES are many, but the quality of SHARED values WITHIN an ONGOING discussion may be the most powerful, enlisting lifelong devotion in its fans.
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I am KIND of a lifelong lose WEIGHT, GAIN weight kind of guy. I'm a BIG guy; I've always been a big guy.

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