If you understand SOMETHING WELL, you can represent it, describe it, embody it in several ways. Indeed, if you can only present it in one WAY, then your own mastery is LIKELY to be tenuous.

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We could SAY that PEOPLE who eat grits, listen to country music, follow stock-car RACING, SUPPORT corporal punishment in the schools, hunt 'possum, go to Baptist churches and prefer bourbon to Scotch are likely to be Southerners.

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I was told that I had very likely been clinically DEPRESSED for a long, long TIME, probably since I was 15, or even 14. It explained, to me at LEAST, a lot of my BEHAVIOUR over the years.

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I USED to be afraid of PAIN, didn't take a LOT of risks, especially in love. I'm not as afraid anymore. I'm more SPONTANEOUS, more likely to SAY what I think.

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The question is: how bad do things have to get before you will do SOMETHING about it? Where is your LINE in the sand? If you don't enforce the constitutional limitations on your government very SOON, you are LIKELY to find out what World War III will be LIKE.

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If a FELLOW isn't thankful for what he's GOT, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's GOING to get.

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The PRODUCTION of antibody is not the only, nor I BELIEVE the most important, manifestation of immunity, but for reasons both HISTORICAL and of EXPERIMENTAL convenience, antibody is likely to remain the touchstone of immunological theory.

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