Bruce Lee loved all different styles of martial ARTS. He believed that you shouldn't limit yourself to one style, because martial arts is just ANOTHER form of HUMAN EXPRESSION.

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I NEVER exceed the posted SPEED LIMIT.

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Habitual texters may not only cheat their EXISTING relationships, they can ALSO limit their ABILITY to form future ONES since they don't get to PRACTICE the art of interpreting nonverbal visual cues.

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Trying to find the limit of yourself and the limit of the car and sometimes to exceed it and SEE the real limit - if you find that SWEET spot and are ABLE to repeat it, it is one of the BEST feelings.

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It is after all the GREATEST ART to LIMIT and isolate ONESELF.

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LOVE has no AGE, no LIMIT; and no DEATH.

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I don't MEAN to be highfalutin about it, but I TRY to LIMIT my visibility.

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We are a SMALL, open economy, highly dependent on GLOBAL flows. It is inevitably a DEMAND that dramatically alters and that is reflected in what we feel here in New Zealand. So there is at its most basic level a LIMIT to what we can do and that is true everywhere.

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All over the world COPYRIGHT holders are trying to limit consumers' RIGHTS. We cannot have that.

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Rules LIMIT you, and once you START thinking about what the AUDIENCE wants or expects, it becomes a TRAP that a lot of artists fall into.

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Today, the NOTION of progress in a SINGLE line without goal or limit SEEMS PERHAPS the most parochial notion of a very parochial CENTURY.

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Whoever wants peace among nations MUST seek to LIMIT the STATE and its INFLUENCE most strictly.

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LIMIT to COURAGE? There is no limit to courage.

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The WORST THING you can do in a RELATIONSHIP, and what's REALLY unattractive about it, is that people begin to limit each other.

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Risk management SYSTEMS and controls may discourage or LIMIT certain REVENUE-generating opportunities. Failure to ensure the independence of these functions from the revenue generators and risk takers has been shown to be dangerous, and this is something for which the BOARD is accountable.

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