There is SIMPLY no LIMITATION on the REALISTIC POWER of the U.N. over US.

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Peace can be promoted by the LIMITATION of ARMS and by the creation of the instrumentality for peaceful settlement of controversies. But it will BECOME a REALITY only through self-restraint and ACTIVE effort in friendliness and helpfulness.

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MALES and FEMALES are UNIQUE and different, because their brains are different. There's not a limitation on girls. My grandmother was very strong, and so was my mother. She also KNEW what it meant to be a WOMAN and wife and was very successful at it.
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There are CERTAIN vulnerabilities and insecurities that go ALONG with not being linked to another person in a contractual way, EVEN if it's an unspoken contract. People in New YORK manage that pretty well. I PREFER choice and desire over convention and limitation.

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I LOVE a CHALLENGE. And I love defying LIMITATION, GENDER stereotypes, and people's EXPECTATIONS of me as an actress.

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What you have in my WORK is one PERSON's PATH as he travels through the WORLD, and there is no LIMITATION of what is conceivable.

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GOOD literature ALWAYS ENDS up showing those who read it... the INEVITABLE limitation of all power to fulfill human aspirations and DESIRES.
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There's no limitation on comics, NOTHING. From a logical standpoint, how can there be a limitation on comics? You can use any WORD in the dictionary. You can put them in any order you want to. You can use a vast variety of illustrating styles. People COULD do all sorts of THINGS.

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Art CONSISTS of limitation. The most BEAUTIFUL part of EVERY PICTURE is the FRAME.

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I like the South: Southern literature and that relationship between grotesqueness and LIVING below the Mason-Dixon line. But I also understand that people VIEW it as a LIMITATION - as an actor and as a person - perceptions that are really wrong: that you are ignorant and possibly illiterate, or that it's cute.

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