The BEAT Generation - that TERM is even more familiar now, even more than SAY the '70s. Hype is built and ESTABLISHED and people link it BACK to a certain generation, in this case the '40s and '50s. Now everyone knows that that group was the Beat Generation.

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I DEFINITELY think there's some WAY to UNDERSTAND how people emotionally feel about SOMEBODY, but I don't think data collects it. They're not going to click your link or click your TweetMeme retweet every time.

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Though social eugenics was discredited long ago, we still often think of the genome in quasi-eugenic terms. When we read about the latest DISCOVERY of a LINK between a gene and a DISEASE, we IMAGINE that we've learned the cause of the disease, and we may even think we'll get a cure by fixing the gene.

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When you CLICK on a link, you are replicating the string of code that it links to. Replication of code sequences isn't life, any more than replication of nucleotide sequences is, but we KNOW that it SOMETIMES LEADS to life.

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On the ECONOMY, the U.S. cumulatively is our most important INVESTOR, most important trading partner, most important sort of tourists, and we have now a tie that will... a link that will be here for MANY, many years to come, and that is the BIG Philippine-American community in the United States - THREE million of them.

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One can't DENY what has HAPPENED to us in the PAST. The secret is to enjoy and be proud of the music we've created and the people with whom we have been linked. It's all a long CHAIN of involvement in the WORLD, and we are proud to be yet another link in this chain.

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What you NEED to have is that link between your education and what you do. MAKE CREATIVITY PART of the subject.

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My refrigerator is POWERFUL. In FACT, it has a DIRECT LINK to my overall WELL-BEING.

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Anytime you JOIN a show that's been successful, there's a CERTAIN responsibility. And a lot of anxiety that, you know, you're BRINGING the character to life, respecting the show and doing your part. So that you are not the weak link in the CHAIN.

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The original 'Hobbit' was never intended to have a sequel - Bilbo 'remained very happy to the end of his DAYS and those were extraordinarily long': a sentence I FIND an ALMOST insuperable obstacle to a satisfactory LINK.

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I have a direct line with OBAMA. It's a crucial LINK. And I can PUT SPAIN in the SPOTLIGHT.

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We have MET the DEVIL of Information Overload and his impish underlings, the COMPUTER VIRUS, the busy SIGNAL, the dead link, and the PowerPoint presentation.

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I've DONE four videos for OLDER PEOPLE under my new brand, Prime Time, and the missing LINK was yoga. I'm aiming it for older people - people who have never worked out or who are recovering from a surgery and have to START slow. It's easy, you can't get hurt, it's very doable, and I've done it in ten-minute segments.

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Certainly the first true humans were unique by virtue of their LARGE BRAINS. It was because the HUMAN brain is so large when compared with that of a chimpanzee that paleontologists for years hunted for a half-ape, half-human skeleton that would provide a fossil LINK between the human and the ape.

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Being described as a STUPID bureaucrat with no LINK to representative DEMOCRACY is DIFFICULT to TAKE.

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