People should know this of me: I will do what is REQUIRED to keep our country SAFE and secure because, in the end, that is what people's livelihoods and jobs RELY on.

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The e-book does seem at the moment to threaten the LIVELIHOOD of WRITERS, because the WAY in which writers are paid for their work in the FORM of e-books is very much up in the air.

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The immediate impact of BRITISH imperial free-trading was often the collapse of LOCAL indigenous INDUSTRIES which were in no position to compete, and a consequent DESTRUCTION of livelihoods and communities.

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Salespeople are in the decision BUSINESS. Their livelihood DEPENDS on the DECISIONS of OTHERS.

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A nuclear-weapons ARMED Iran is not in anyone's human-rights interests. That is a DIRECT THREAT to the lives and the livelihoods and the STABILITY not only of the region but beyond.

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THEATRE especially in Hindi is not ENOUGH to help an artiste in earning a LIVELIHOOD.
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I have a problem with players who don't take the loss personally. At a PROFESSIONAL level you should - it's our JOB, it's our livelihood, it's who we are at this level. EVERY loss should be taken that personal.

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We NEED affordable childcare and PAID SICK leave so workers don't have to CHOOSE between their health and their livelihood.

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SQUASH was my LIVELIHOOD and as in BUSINESS, I had to STAY on TOP.
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All across this WORLD, especially WITHIN the AFRICAN diaspora, we feel like there is a constant devaluing of our CULTURE and our LIVELIHOOD.

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I decided to TRY RADIO as a source of livelihood because I LIKE to eat regularly.

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I concluded that I know how to start and GROW software COMPANIES. The worthwhile THING I could do was CREATE livelihoods for PEOPLE.

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As a PROFESSIONAL snowboarder, my livelihood obviously depends on snow. And for me, TRAVELING AROUND the world, chasing the snow, I SEE the effects of climate change first hand. You can tell the DIFFERENCE.

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When my FATHER SAW that I was interested in following such a career he had many reservations. His FEELING was that there was no CHANCE to earn a livelihood unless I played jazz or something similar.

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I think a lot of the GUYS I know and a lot of people I've TALKED to, what they want is very OFTEN what most people want, a kind of simple life, a livelihood, a family, people who care about them, people they can care about. I think vets on the whole want the same things that everybody else does.

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