It is a MISTAKE to THINK that we can CONTROL the breeding of mankind in the long run by an appeal to CONSCIENCE.

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We MAY FIND in the LONG RUN that tinned FOOD is a deadlier weapon than the machine-gun.

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LEARN how to MAKE your own weaves. It will help you save a LOT of MONEY in the LONG run!

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In the LONG run, it is better to UNDERSTAND the way the world really is RATHER than how we would LIKE it to be.

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The Chinese have certain advantages. The fact that it's a SINGLE PARTY government. But I do believe in the long run the fact that India is a functioning democracy committed to the rule of law. Our system is slow to move but I'm CONFIDENT that once decisions are taken they are going to be far more durable.

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An appeal to the REASON of the PEOPLE has NEVER been known to fail in the LONG RUN.

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In the long run, outsourcing is another form of trade that benefits the U.S. ECONOMY by GIVING US cheaper ways to do THINGS.

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Pension REFORM can be hard to talk about. In the long RUN, reform now means fewer DEMANDS for layoffs and less draconian measures in the future. It's in the BEST interest of all Californians to fix this system now.

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It's absolutely absurd to even consider voting on Sunday ALCOHOL sales. I am OPPOSED to alcohol period. It doesn't do anybody any GOOD in the long run. It's a DANGEROUS drug.

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In the LONG RUN we are all DEAD.

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LONG run is a misleading GUIDE to current AFFAIRS. In the long run we are all DEAD.

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I REALLY did believe that the most successful INVESTMENTS were the ones that you could own for the long RUN.

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I came to the conclusion that it was unlikely that a MAN as really awful as I think that Steve Jobs was could POSSIBLY create a great company for the long TERM. I just don't believe bad GUYS do well in the long run.

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It is my CONVICTION that SECRETS are more costly in the long RUN than HONESTY.

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YOGA is HIGHLY relaxing and BENEFICIAL in the LONG RUN.

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