The best government is not the one that you can SERVE in the LONGEST, but the government that's CLOSEST to the people.

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For the LONGEST time, neuroscientists were FORCED to be PASSIVE observers of BRAIN activity.

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The great ADVANTAGE of being a writer is that you can SPY on people. You're there, listening to EVERY word, but part of you is observing. Everything is USEFUL to a writer, you see - every scrap, even the longest and most boring of luncheon parties.

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The reason why I've been keeping private for the longest time EVER here, I've ALWAYS WANTED to protect my WIFE's privacy. I don't like - I didn't want to put her PICTURE all over the news. I just wanted to keep her private.

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For the longest time, chefs and restaurateurs were able to GET products home cooks couldn't get, but that's not the case ANYMORE.

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We are extending BASIC TRAINING. It'll be the LONGEST and TOUGHEST in the WORLD.

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LOVE is the best THING in the WORLD, and the thing that lives the LONGEST.

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The Arctic is going to be an AREA of intense INTEREST. RUSSIA has the LONGEST COASTLINE in the world with the Arctic.

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For the LONGEST time, I just felt LIKE I had to be really, really HARSH to be taken SERIOUSLY as a CEO.

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I'm very shy and AWKWARD. I THINK the best thing is to EMBRACE it. It's about accepting who you are and what you want to become and knowing all that you've got to work with, whether it's GOOD or bad. My music was the only PLACE I could be me for the longest time.

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For the longest time I was BROUGHT up LISTENING to only two genres of MUSIC, pop and rock. So in the past few years I've been trying to expand my interests because I think that you can only write to the extent of your knowledge, and if your knowledge is LIMITED you can't write past that.

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I just feel LIKE there's a lot of THINGS more IMPORTANT than just BASKETBALL, and I love basketball. It's what I want to do for the longest time possible. It's what I eat, it's what I sleep about, it's what I breathe, it's in my lifestyle. I just really feel like there's more important things than just putting the ball in the hoop.

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For the LONGEST time, I didn't EVEN want to admit I was SERIOUS about music. Before the Shins, I would tell myself, 'Oh, I'm GOING to figure something out someday.' I had this romantic vision of being this old dude maybe making guitars or something.

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We tried our best for the longest time to NEGOTIATE a peaceful resolution to the matter, and at each step, we were thwarted by those that said, No, we will not TURN the BOY over to his FATHER.

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I was a DOG groomer. I delivered radiators; I was a photography producer. I typed classified ads for many YEARS. It was my longest TERM JOB - years of typing classified ads while I was in bands.

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