I like beauty to be a BIT edgy, not typical. For me, the only rule is LOOKING GOOD.

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GOD is not LOOKING for repayment, but repentance. What heals a broken RELATIONSHIP is SINCERE LOVE and contrition.

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If you are sitting on the COUCH with the TV off, and you are looking into each other's eyes and talking, that is quality time - so is TAKING a WALK or going out to eat, so long as you are COMMUNICATING with each other.

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If I had one QUALITY that really RUINED me and at the same time helped me, it was the FACT that I never stopped looking, and by that time I was really WORKING at it.

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SUCCESS usually comes to those who are too BUSY to be LOOKING for it.

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If we are ALWAYS arriving and departing, it is ALSO true that we are eternally anchored. One's destination is NEVER a place but rather a new WAY of looking at things.

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LIVE fast, DIE YOUNG, and LEAVE a good LOOKING corpse.

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I remember so vividly playing a scene with JIMMY Stewart. I was in the BACK of a COVERED WAGON, and we were doing this LITTLE talk in the wilderness. They did his close-up first. I was looking at him and thinking, 'How does he do that?' He is not 'doing' anything, and yet everything is there.

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No EXCUSES and no sob STORIES. Life is full of excuses if you're looking. I have no TIME to gripe over misfortune. I don't WASTE time looking back.

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We need to see, and AGREE that what we seek already lives within us, and we within it. Now we know our one great task: watch for whatever promises us FREEDOM, and then quietly, consciously REFUSE to see ourselves through the eyes of what we know is incomplete. Then we live wholeness itself, instead of spending our lives LOOKING for it.

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Funny enough, if you are looking at people these days who are putting Botox in their FACE and getting all SORTS of plastic surgery, we look at them and go, I can tell you've had Botox. I can tell you've had plastic surgery. You look really strange to me. But no one's saying ANYTHING. We're just accepting the fact that they're strange-looking.

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I don't have any rift with President OBAMA at all. I think that he is operating in an entirely DIFFERENT ARENA than I'm dealing in. I represent my constituents in the Fourth Congressional District. I'm looking out ADMITTEDLY for much more narrow interests. I represent the fourth-poorest district.

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You can't be a STRONG or COOL woman and be represented except in a HARSH WAY, looking mean and COLD and hard. It's like reverse sexism.

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I'll never STOP DREAMING that one day we can be a real FAMILY, TOGETHER, all of us laughing and talking, loving and understanding, not looking at the past but only to the future.

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The times MAY have CHANGED, but the people are STILL the same. We're still LOOKING for love, and that will always be our struggle as human BEINGS.

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