Greg Rucka always writes LOVELY, believable FEMALE characters in books like 'Whiteout,' 'Queen and Country,' and 'Lazarus.' I am a fan of Kelly Sue DeConnick, who does a WONDERFUL female lead in 'Captain Marvel.' And DC's 'Batwoman' is currently the only book at the BIG Two with a lesbian solo lead CHARACTER, and it's always outstanding.

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I'm very LUCKY I went to a NICE school and I live in a very lovely PART of LONDON.

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I do mostly Southern landscapes. I do beautiful old barns that are falling down, and beautiful trees reflecting in the water. My lovely WIFE Dorothy and I travel quite a bit, so I TAKE PICTURES of different things that inspire me to COME home, when I come home here in North Carolina, into my art studio and PAINT these things.

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In 'A Room With a View' there's a lovely scene with Julian Sands and Helena Bonham-Carter in a wheat field. It was simply the right TIME of day: late afternoon, that golden light, wheat and poppies... So ROMANTIC. But I had no idea it would TURN out that WELL, since we so rarely shoot in a studio.

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Every MAN feels instinctively that all the BEAUTIFUL sentiments in the world weigh LESS than a single LOVELY action.

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Jamie Dornan is one of those GUYS who has no IDEA how gorgeous he is. He's crazy in love with his girlfriend and a crazy talent and a great SINGER and a great actor; just a lovely, lovely human being. It kind of makes you WANT to throw up a bit, but in all the right ways!

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I would like to see myself with some successful ALBUMS, and I'd LOVE to be working with new artists as WELL as continuing to release my own MATERIAL. I'd also like to be settled in a LOVELY place with a lovely partner and gorgeous mini ginger Jess!

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TWITTER has restored my FAITH in humanity. I thought I'd hate it, but while there are lots of knobheads, there are EVEN more LOVELY PEOPLE. It delights me how witty and friendly most people are.
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I can have a CAREER RIGHT into my OLD AGE, creating MUSIC in some way. It seems like a lovely way to go through life.

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I had my first FRENCH meal and I never GOT over it. It was just marvelous. We had oysters and a lovely dry white wine. And then we had one of those lovely scalloped dishes and the lovely, creamery buttery sauce. Then we had a roast DUCK and I don't KNOW what ELSE.

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I've had a LOVELY LIFE. I've had a GREAT life.

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Being a PART of the Dark and LOVELY family is an honor. As a dark and lovely girl, I LOVE what they stand for, and I love that they MAKE products for women of COLOR.

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I LOVE so much about Naples, but I had a few PROBLEMS with all the lovely food when I arrived and PUT on WEIGHT!

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The world went tilted in a lovely way - suddenly, TELEVISION was no LONGER television. It was like, 'Oh, my GOD, this is the new world!' I GOT to work with horses and cannons, and fight sequences and castles.

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I'm not the KIND of PERSON who's going to look at the TOP of a mountain and GO, 'Oh, look at that! That's LOVELY. That's lovely, that top of that mountain.' I'm the kind of person who's going to go, 'Oh, my God! That's so lovely! Let's go climb up it!'

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