When you start one of these programs, SCHOOL lunch programs, in a country that heretofore had nothing of that kind, immediately school enrollment jumps dramatically. Girls and boys get to the classroom with the PROMISE of a good MEAL once a DAY.

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In third grade, I PLAYED BASKETBALL with the boys every DAY at lunch. I had braces that were YELLOW and purple, and I wore FULL Laker uniforms to school.

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If I COULD CAUSE world peace by TAKING someone out to LUNCH, I'd go, 'Well, WAR isn't that terrible.'

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Just in any JOB, if you want to GET ahead, take shorter lunch breaks, be happy to STAY later, do the WORK, and FINISH it off well.

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I terminated the INTERVIEW when I didn't KNOW what he was TALKING about and went upstairs to LUNCH.

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Like a LOT of inwardly drawn YOUNG people, I spent a lot of TIME in libraries. At my high school, I OFTEN spent my LUNCH breaks there.

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I run six-to-eight miles a DAY, PLUS weights and aerobics in the LUNCH HOUR. I also lie a lot, which keeps me thin.

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Burroughs called his GREATEST NOVEL 'Naked Lunch,' by which he meant it's what you see on the end of a fork. Telling the truth. It's very difficult to do that in fiction because the whole process of WRITING fiction is a process of sidestepping the truth. I think he got very CLOSE to it, in his way, and I hope I've DONE the same in mine.

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There's a period just before you START a movie when you start thinking, I don't know what in the world I'm going to do. It's free-floating ANXIETY. In my case, though, this is over by lunch the first DAY of SHOOTING.

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If you can reach people in their pockets, on their lunch breaks, on their commutes to and from WORK, on recess at school, and make things they want to see, that's an AMAZING THING for a show LIKE ours.

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It does COST a lot of money to make high-quality TV in exotic locations. I KNOW everyone thinks we've been given a massive sack full of money and gone off and BOUGHT Lamborghinis and gone off for LUNCH, but it isn't actually like that.

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I remember once I had LUNCH with George W Bush, his FATHER, and Condoleezza Rice. Then I went home to find my dog and my neighbour's dog FIGHTING over a dead RABBIT, and I had to separate them. I like that my home life keeps things real.

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Mom WOULD pack our LUNCH and send US off with no supervision. There were enough of us so that if she lost a few, there would STILL be plenty left.

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I EAT TUNA FISH every day for LUNCH. That's all I EVER have.

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All that prosthetic MAKEUP drains you. By the TIME it's LUNCH, you're DONE.

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