In this play we're DEALING with relative truths - who's lying, who's telling the truth. But UNDERNEATH that, Ed and I have hit this deeper LEVEL of intimacy between OLD friends that comes out in the play.

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If you FEAR and you don't ADMIT it, that's when you're LYING to yourself.

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LYING at the ROOT of the social agreements of 1980 are the courage, SENSE of responsibility, and the solidarity of the working people. Both sides have then recognized that an accord must be REACHED if BLOODSHED is to be prevented.

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I get a lot of ideas SITTING in the living ROOM STARING at the walls or lying in bed thinking about THINGS.

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I'm not LYING to myself LIKE most PEOPLE.

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Don't GET me WRONG: politicians have been LYING for a long time, long before Donald Trump was born, but the degree of just nonstop rage, GRIEVANCE, prevarication, I haven't seen, probably because we haven't had a direct line from a politician's ID to the public before.

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Exposing police LYING is difficult largely because it is rare for the police to admit their own lies or to acknowledge the lies of other officers. This reluctance derives PARTLY from the code of silence that governs police PRACTICE and from the ways in which the system of MASS incarceration is STRUCTURED to reward dishonesty.

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I'll tell you SOMETHING that's completely true - you can, as a MAN, obtain everything you want with the truth. If you LIE, first of all you've got to be a very good lying actor, which is tres difficile. And it's going to give you poison INSIDE the BODY.

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When he's LATE for dinner, I know he's either having an affair or is lying DEAD in the STREET. I ALWAYS hope it's the street.

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You have to do SOMETHING when you're LYING in BED. So you PLAY with your MIND.

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A dead COW or sheep lying in a pasture is RECOGNIZED as carrion. The same sort of a carcass dressed and hung up in a butcher's stall PASSES as FOOD.

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Our enemy, the devil, wants to control US, and his target is our will. The MAIN way he TRIES to influence our will is through LYING to us.

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Every MONDAY night, there was a scary movie on Spanish TV, so my parents USED to send me to bed. I remember lying there, listening to the TV, and IMAGINING the movie in my head. And so probably the scariest movies I EVER saw in my life were the ones I IMAGINED.

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I'd be LYING if I said I didn't want to look and feel like a grown woman when I was YOUNG. That's one reason why it's IMPORTANT to hold adults who take advantage of that fully ACCOUNTABLE.

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Sometimes I Google myself just to SEE what PEOPLE are saying. But we all do that. If SOMEONE TELLS you that they don't, then they are lying.

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