I hope my work has inspired YOUNG artists. I have always tried to maintain my FREEDOM as an ARTIST and I feel it is one of the MAIN REASONS I have been successful.

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If you're GOING to have a male-dominant SYSTEM, to MAINTAIN the system, you have to TEACH MEN to dominate.

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Because there is no cosmic point to the life that each of us perceives on this distant bit of DUST at the GALAXY's edge... there is all the more reason for us to maintain in proper balance what we have here. Because there is nothing else. No THING. This is it. And QUITE enough, all in all.

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The dreadlocks were easy to MAINTAIN: I got up in the morning and flicked my head. If they got too BIG, I'd pull them APART every now and again. In the end, I got too old for them.

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Because of fiscal responsibility, we will KEEP taxes low and MAINTAIN important PRIORITIES LIKE IPERS.

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People in power NEED to CONTROL others in order to MAINTAIN power. One of the ways to do that is to TAKE that which is threatening and demonize it.

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Just as the music INDUSTRY couldn't COMBAT the financial impact of digital piracy, MAJOR corporations will have to rethink how to maintain margins when MANY of their most profitable items can be EASILY manufactured at home.

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When you're 30, 40, 50 people and you're all in the room and that ENERGY flows, that's SORT of EASY to maintain and I THINK we've learned to love that.

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I drink protein shakes when I TRAVEL. That is how I MAINTAIN myself, and I exercise SIX days a week.

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I MAINTAIN that if you're a NOVELIST and you GO into an art museum, you'll COME out a better novelist. And if you paint a picture for an hour you're a better ACTOR at the end of it.

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I would like to POINT to the extraordinary lengths the mainstream MEDIA will GO to MAINTAIN a sensationalist STORY.

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I justified WORKING so HARD by knowing that I was HELPING to maintain the ROOF over our heads.

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CONNECTING with PEOPLE who are able to MAINTAIN a SENSE of humility is really useful.

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You have to maintain the BALANCE between fast growth and SMOOTH growth. It's LIKE driving a car and KNOWING when to balance the gas PEDAL and the brake.

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You NEED to be ABLE to maintain a healthy voice and fit body to be able to GIVE performances in a BIG theatre NIGHT after night.

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