There are so many GREAT YouTubers who might have a hit, but they come and they go. Maintaining and being here, just being ABLE to RELATE to what's going on and PUTTING my spin on the world, I bring not my age, but my my wisdom, and that's something some of the YOUNGER ones can't contribute.
Read MoreFor decades, Indians have immigrated to the United STATES, joined our COMMUNITIES, and RAISED their families while maintaining their CULTURAL heritage.
Read MoreWe are very MUCH engaged across the government, very much engaged in streamlining and simplifying our activities with borrowers and lenders, because that saves time and saves COSTS and we BELIEVE we can do that while maintaining the same or increased LEVELS of OVERSIGHT and risk management.
Read MoreI've MADE it very clear that BUILDING, maintaining, and fixing Maryland's roads and bridges is our top transportation PRIORITY, and it is a top priority of our ADMINISTRATION.
Read MoreComing from the industry and maintaining contacts with producers and directors, I am very well AWARE that costs associated with movie PRODUCTION are a major factor in determining where FILMS get MADE.
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