The GREAT majority of MEN are attracted to FEMININE women who do not possess the BODY type of Michael Phelps. Beyonce is desired not because of her 'diabolical femininity,' but simply because of her femininity.

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The majority does not RULE in America, but the minority shouldn't hijack it. And it's because we're AFRAID. They have isolated us and MADE us feel as THOUGH we're alone. We're not.

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I'm not an elected official who puts a finger in the WIND to see what the majority thinks; I represent WOMEN, WHETHER they're POPULAR or not.

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What distinguishes the MAJORITY of MEN from the few is their ability to ACT according to their beliefs.

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Don Chew is the owner of the ORANGE County BADMINTON Club, the location where I train. He played badminton when he was young and always had the passion for it. He never made it at the international level, but he WANTED to give BACK to the sport. The majority of the ELITE players train at Orange County Badminton Club.

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The VALUE of the majority LIES not in the opportunity to wield great POWER, but in the chance to use power to do great things.

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There's a certain part of the contented majority who love ANYBODY who is worth a BILLION DOLLARS.

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What distinguishes the MAJORITY of MEN from the few is their INABILITY to ACT according to their beliefs.

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I went through a difficult time, gaining 24 pounds in one month. A few haters attacked me ONLINE for how I LOOKED, even though the majority of my fans were supportive. Those were the ONES that KEPT me going.

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DESPITE support from a MAJORITY of Americans, a majority of the House of Representatives, and a majority of the SENATE, Keystone XL is STUCK - stalled by special-interest politics.

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To say that a WORK of art is good, but incomprehensible to the MAJORITY of men, is the same as saying of some kind of food that it is very good but that most PEOPLE can't EAT it.

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No law can POSSIBLY meet the CONVENIENCE of every one: we must be satisfied if it be beneficial on the WHOLE and to the MAJORITY.

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OFTEN, those who bruise EASILY SPEND too much time THINKING about themselves. I'd go so far as to say that oversensitivity is a privilege of the underoccupied. The majority of people don't have the time to lavish care on emotional wounds - they're too busy getting on with living.

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The fact is that I find more most men are more open, more generous, and much more stimulating than the MAJORITY of FEMALES I KNOW.

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