If you are making mistakes at centre-back then INEVITABLY that results in an effort on your GOAL and your GOALKEEPER has to make a SAVE.

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I played FOOTBALL because I LOVED the game - but I didn't enjoy the FOCUS on not making mistakes and the culture being essentially one of blame and a little FEAR.

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Every adult has the right to CHOOSE who they WISH to SPEND their lives with, and we're all CAPABLE of MAKING mistakes, but no one escapes with their self-regard intact.

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You can never, ever WORRY about making MISTAKES or things like that. I'm GOING to GO out and play ball, and that's what I do.

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You can't make anything without making mistakes, do you know what I MEAN? Robert De Niro's in the 'Rocky and Bullwinkle' film. There's a lot of far GREATER people than me who have made mistakes in their CAREERS... There's LOADS of people who have made stuff that isn't good and never get asked about it.

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I BECAME POPULAR very YOUNG. I viewed myself as just a young ACTOR trying to FIGURE out how to do well, and, you know, making mistakes and learning and growing.

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I have the idea that when you put yourself through HARD, detailed TRAINING, and you put a lot of ATTENTION into all the little details - the analysis of the opposition, the MOVEMENT and understanding of the game, the way your opponent plays - then you shouldn't be afraid of MAKING mistakes.

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There are TWO THINGS that come very easily to me: rooting for NEW York SPORTS teams and making mistakes.

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You GO on these Internet blogs and PEOPLE say the meanest things. I'm a normal PERSON. Just because I'm in the SPOTLIGHT doesn't mean I'm God's gift to the world. I'm learning and making mistakes just like every other 17-year-old GIRL out there.

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You lose your home, you are much more likely to lose your job the YEAR following. The REASON for that comes back to the bandwidth problem: You're so FOCUSED on this event that you're making MISTAKES at work; you can relocate further from work, which can increase your tardiness and absenteeism and cause you to lose your job.

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I don't THINK that we are a species or a people that can exist without making MISTAKES SOMEWHERE ALONG the line.

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So if I keep MAKING mistakes on Broadway or tape or FILM, producing, directing or acting, I can GO along and do it - so LONG as I'm not investing too MUCH capital in these things.

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I'd like to just be a little bit more OPEN to making MISTAKES and not worrying about it so much.

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I can't play piano WELL ENOUGH without making MISTAKES.

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