A NEW understanding of power is replacing our old understanding of power as the ability to manipulate and control. The old understanding of power has become counterproductive to our EVOLUTION. What used to be good MEDICINE has become poisonous. Pursuit of the ability to manipulate and control now produces only VIOLENCE and DESTRUCTION.

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My goal is to always TRY to MAKE you feel something, whether that's HUMOR or SADNESS or excitement, and to try to manipulate screen space.

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A LOT of DIRECTORS tend to manipulate actors' VULNERABILITY to get what they WANT, and that can work.

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This is SUPPOSED to be a participatory DEMOCRACY and if we're not in there participating then the PEOPLE that will manipulate and exploit the SYSTEM will STEP in there.

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If I'm not GOING to make the PITCH, then so be it. I'm not going to TRY to manipulate the ball or muscle the ball over the plate where I want it to GO.

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Honestly, every PERSON, every INDIVIDUAL has a process, and my philosophy, whether it's an ACTOR or an animator, is you try to understand the process that person has so you can GET the most out of them, but I think you have to sort of manipulate that process with HONESTY.

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I can't manipulate ANYBODY's MINDS.

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One THING that is FAIRLY undeniable about Trump - love him or loathe him - is his understanding of how to manipulate the media and to perpetuate a symbiotic RELATIONSHIP with the PRESS.

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I think if you're impregnated with GOOD literature, with good culture, you're MUCH more difficult to manipulate, and you're much more AWARE of the dangers that powers REPRESENT.

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It's very important to put children in an environment where they can take THINGS APART; where they can BREAK things and then learn to fix them; where they can TRUST their hands and know their CAPACITY to manipulate objects.

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I WOULD never ever sing at all if I could get away with it. I had pitch problems, no range. So what I did was manipulate the sound... that WAY you couldn't tell that I wasn't very GOOD.

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I REMEMBER LISTENING to 'Songs In The Key Of Life' as a KID. Stevie Wonder has an ability to manipulate pop into something globally obtainable. Anyone can listen and ENJOY it because there's something for everyone. That WOKE me up to the possibilities of pop music.

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DONALD TRUMP really UNDERSTOOD how to float a story, how to float a rumor, how to manipulate the truth.

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The CHILDREN of the LIE USE EMOTIONS to manipulate.

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Fear is hugely contagious. USED skillfully by POLITICIANS looking to manipulate voters, it can BECOME toxic and capable of infecting more than just a few.

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