Being right is important. Too many great teams march off saying, 'If we build it, they will COME,' and then NEVER are ABLE to change the idea towards something that people really WANT.

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I made my last motion picture in March 1965 for Magna PICTURES. 'Harlow,' BASED on the life of ACTRESS Jean Harlow... I didn't KNOW at the time that 'Harlow' would be my last motion picture.

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I ALWAYS SAY that Juventus should be judged in March and you can see why. We have found a SYSTEM that gets the best out of the QUALITY we have in the squad and ticks all the BOXES.

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We're going to MARCH on WASHINGTON with a host of REPUBLICANS, DEMOCRATS, business leaders, legislators.

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In my view, the most important lesson we can LEARN from Dr. King is not what he said at the MARCH on Washington but what he said and did after the march. In the YEARS following the march, he did not play politics to see what crumbs a fundamentally corrupt SYSTEM might toss to the BEGGARS for justice.

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On MARCH 4th, 1830, I ARRIVED in LONDON, where a NEW WORLD seemed opened to me.

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The far right was on the MARCH in the 1930s, and we defeated the fascists through a great united working-class EFFORT. That sense of unity and strength is what gave people confidence to change THINGS.

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The heroic working CLASS of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, holding aloft the banner of modelling the whole SOCIETY on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, should become the engine propelling the masses forward on the general ONWARD MARCH and the example for all other members of society to follow in stepping up the building of a POWERFUL socialist country.

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The OBJECTIVE is to be COMPETITIVE from MARCH onwards.

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I'm the NATIONAL co-chair for the WOMEN's MARCH on WASHINGTON.

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The MARCH of CONQUEST through wild provinces, MAY be the march of MIND; but not the march of LOVE.

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This, then, is the TEST we MUST SET for ourselves; not to march ALONE but to march in such a way that OTHERS will wish to join us.

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Rich people MARCH on Washington EVERY DAY.

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I've been writing for a LONG time. I SAT down to WRITE my FIRST novel in the MIDDLE of March of 1982.

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