It MAKES no sense to me that my gay FRIENDS cannot GET MARRIED to each other because a certain slice of Christianity doesn't believe in gay marriage.

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If you don't have a FATHER, you don't miss it, because you don't know what it is. It was really only when I MARRIED Wyatt Cooper that I UNDERSTOOD what it was LIKE to have a father, because he was just an EXTRAORDINARY father.

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We started by PLAYING girls who only married at the end of the picture. We didn't play wives. That CAME LATER. But the most dreadful THING was when a star had to play a mother. That was the beginning of her professional end.

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I NEVER believed marriage was a lasting INSTITUTION. I thought that to be married for FIVE years was to be married FOREVER.

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I like being married. I'm at HOME with my wife and kids all the TIME now. I don't go out for WILD NIGHTS.

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It doesn't MATTER when you GET married as LONG as it is the right PERSON.

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I MARRIED my best friend, and I couldn't ask for anything more. He's an UNBELIEVABLE PERSON.

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Married men live LONGER than single men. But married men are a LOT more WILLING to die.

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I'm married to the GIRL that I FIRST went out with when I was 16. We were on and off for years; now we're married with a KID, so I don't have that MANY exes.

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It's TRUE: I married my COLLEGE sweetheart. We were so LUCKY to FIND each other at such a YOUNG age.

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If you want to give up the ADMIRATION of THOUSANDS of men for the distain of one, go AHEAD, GET MARRIED.

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For the FIRST time in my LIFE, I want the right to get married. I've met somebody who meets the criteria of what I've always IMAGINED in and wanted from a PARTNER - someone to marry and to bring children into the world with.

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A MAN MAY be a FOOL and not KNOW it, but not if he is MARRIED.

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I am LUCKY enough to be married to a personal trainer. He's able to whip me into shape PRETTY QUICKLY.

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