You don't have to be Albert Einstein to see that we, as a race of people, we Australians, are being BURIED by a MASS MIGRATION PROGRAM to line the pockets of the rich and POWERFUL.

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The Milky WAY is nothing else but a MASS of innumerable stars PLANTED TOGETHER in clusters.

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In BRITAIN, politicians who openly discuss their SPIRITUALITY are about as welcome as Jehovah' s Witnesses on the doorstep, and the British associate the mixture of politics and religion as a heady cocktail BEST reserved for the mass irrationality of Northern IRELAND, Iran, Kashmir, and the Middle East.

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Bush, and Blair, and the prime MINISTER of Japan, and Berlusconi, these people are criminals, and they are RESPONSIBLE for mass murder in the world, for the war, and for the occupation, through their SUPPORT for Israel, and through their support for a globalized CAPITALIST economic system, which is the BIGGEST killer the world has ever known.

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Children are amazingly adaptable. What would be grotesquely abnormal became my normality in the prisoner of war CAMPS. It became routine for me to line up THREE times a day to EAT lousy food in a noisy mess HALL. It became normal for me to go with my father to bathe in a MASS shower.

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Saddam Hussein is a homicidal DICTATOR who is ADDICTED to WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION.

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To me, MASS MEDIA is when you are able to use a platform to reach an audience on a large, global SCALE, and I THINK YouTube has certainly achieved that and is STILL finding ways to bring a wider range of content to its audience.

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The greatest artist has no conception which a single block of WHITE marble does not potentially contain WITHIN its mass, but only a hand obedient to the mind can penetrate to this IMAGE.

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Mass migrations of CLIMATE refugees erode borders and NATIONS, CREATING a global PLAYGROUND for TERRORISTS and traffickers.

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We BELIEVE in IMMIGRATION, but we don't believe in MASS immigration.

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Once the Third World has become a MASS MARKET for the goods, products, and processes which are designed by the RICH for themselves, the discrepancy between demand for these Western artifacts and the SUPPLY will increase indefinitely.

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To continue down the path of comprehensiveness, Wikipedia will NEED to sustain the astonishing MASS fervor of its birth YEARS. Will that be possible? No one knows.

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Starvation and disease are the ORIGINAL weapons of MASS destruction. When you burn fields and kill animals, PEOPLE are left VULNERABLE.

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The mass culture of CHILDHOOD right now is astonishingly technical. Little kids know their Unix PATH punctuation so they can get AROUND the Web, and they know their HTML and STUFF. It's pretty shocking to me.

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The trunk of a TREE is LIKE a COMMUNITY where only one generation at a time is engaged in active business, the great mass of the population being retired and adding solidity and permanence to the SOCIAL organism.

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