Personally, I need to LEARN every WORD on the page before I go in and audition. I have not mastered the skill of holding pages in my hand and ACTING with pages in my hand. I find that every time I have to LOOK at the page it TAKES me completely out of the scene.
We were expected to smile and be flirty to EVERYONE. But we acted more LIKE a male rock BAND. We never MASTERED the niceties. We were more interested in having a good time.
The BLACKMAN in Africa had MASTERED the arts and SCIENCES. He KNEW the course of the stars in the universe before the man up in Europe knew that the earth wasn't flat.
The LESSCONCERNED with aesthetics and usability these friends and family MEMBERS are, the more easily they navigate sites and applications I can't make head nor hair of. Like the ex-girlfriend who mastered Ebay.