When it's good, cinema can be one of the most important things in a person's life. A film can be a catalyst for CHANGE. You witness this and it is an INCREDIBLY spiritual experience that I'd NEVER LIVED before; well, maybe only in a football match.

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People only see TWO hours of a tennis match where you're FIGHTING and running and sometimes getting upset. There's a lot more than those two hours. GOING out there and PLAYING is actually the easy part.

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I have ALWAYS maintained that bowlers WIN you a CRICKET MATCH WHATEVER the format.

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I'm not denyin' the women are foolish. God Almighty made 'em to MATCH the MEN.

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It's not a good IDEA to match your shoes with a bag too stringently. GO for SUBTLE similarity.

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FATIGUE is what we EXPERIENCE, but it is what a MATCH is to an ATOMIC BOMB.

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Honestly, I don't believe in menswear. I FOCUS on what pieces are most timeless, transcendent, match my lifestyle, REMAIN remarkable, and command INTRIGUING ATTENTION ACROSS the room at an art gallery.

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As a bowler, my MOTTO is not to GET too EXCITED and not to get too down after EVERY MATCH.

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I really HATE my hair when it's not braided because it's so BIG when it dries. When it's WET, it looks COOL, but when it dries, it gets all in my mouth during a match, and I hate it.

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Andy Kaufman and JERRY Lawler's MATCH was the one THING people believed most about WRESTLING in the LAST 35 years.

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Bullies MAY land a punch. They might LEAVE a MARK. But they have never, not once, in the history of our United States, managed to MATCH the strength and SPIRIT of a people united in defense of their future.

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I dyed my HAIR BLONDE in that movie, so my head doesn't MATCH my GRILL.

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When you have a few cake formulas and filling IDEAS in your REPERTOIRE, you will find that it's pretty MUCH an assembly JOB - you can mix and match a different WAY every time.

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I was hearing MUSIC in my head and trying to play it on the clarinet, but it didn't match.' Then, literally the FIRST day, it did with the saxophone. I was like, 'Oh MAN, that's what I've been trying to do; this is what it's SUPPOSED to sound like.'

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I'm pretty calculating. I take STUFF that I know appeals to PEOPLE's BAD sides and MATCH it up with stuff that appeals to their GOOD sides.

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