I see FILM as a real opportunity to examine the human condition. No matter where the TECHNOLOGY goes in the future, the BASICS don't change. Storytelling is a primitive tribal function. The elders sat around the FIRES and told these stories as a way to pass on the 'dos' and the 'don'ts.' That will NEVER change.
Read MoreThe issue of the environment as seen by Pope FRANCIS is not a matter of purely scientific or, INDEED, THEOLOGICAL debate: it involves ECONOMIC and political views on how the world's poor can be brought out of poverty while protecting the environment.
Read MoreWhen I go to business MEETINGS, I'm still told way too often by some receptionist, 'The MAIL room is downstairs,' to believe that racial perceptions don't still exist. But I figure there are always going to be knuckleheads no matter how MANY of their herd get stuck in the tar pits of PROGRESS.
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