What MATTERS in LIFE is not what HAPPENS to you but what you REMEMBER and how you remember it.

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It matters whether women SIT at the table. No one SPEAKS up for you when you are standing outside with your NOSE pressed up against the glass. You cannot window-shop for power.

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It MATTERS more how GOVERNMENTS BEHAVE than how BIG they are.

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As long as I'm a GOOD person and I do THINGS from the HEART, that's all that MATTERS.

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When SOMETHING REALLY MATTERS, you should NEVER GIVE up or give in.

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America's GOT a Darwin problem - and it matters. ACCORDING to a 2009 Gallup poll taken on the 200th ANNIVERSARY of Charles Darwin's birth, fewer than 40% of Americans are willing to say that they 'believe in EVOLUTION.'

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WEALTH won't give you satisfaction; creating a good PRODUCT that's well RECEIVED by users is what matters most.

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There's no such THING as median INCOME; there's a curve, and it really matters what SIDE of the curve you're on. There's no such thing as the MIDDLE class. It's absolutely vanishing.

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POLITICALLY, foreign POLICY NEVER matters until it matters, and then it matters a LOT.

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I came in the league as not a shooter, not a scorer. My game was to PLAY defense and MAKE my TEAMMATES better. The most important stat to me was that LEFT column - winning. Nothing else MATTERS.

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What we REALLY are MATTERS more than what other PEOPLE THINK of US.

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I think millennials have really MADE it their vision and COMMITMENT into LIFE to really FIND themselves, to focus on what MATTERS.

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What MATTERS to me is learning and growing, and getting to do what I LOVE to do. As long as I can do that, I'm HAPPY.

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The only courage that MATTERS is the kind that GETS you from one moment to the NEXT.

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