Producing has empowered me as an artist in a SPECIFIC way. It's forced a certain KIND of MATURITY.

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AGE is relative. Experience is relative. And I think OFTEN INTENSITY is confused with MATURITY.
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He's always been tough on me, but I've had to FIGURE out when he's being a COACH and when he's being a DAD. Once I figured that out, it was much easier. It's DEFINITELY tough, something that took years to figure out. Just knowing he was looking for what's best for me, not just yelling at me as a parent. It took maturity.

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I wanted to play SUPER 15. I wanted to develop some maturity, some leadership and to work on my skill set. ALSO I WANT to have played all round the WORLD.

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When it comes to love, maturity OFTEN gets a bad RAP - SECOND love is boring; it's practical. It's what our PARENTS feel for each other.

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I've come to admire our military KIDS more than you all will know, because you guys are heroes. And the only way your PARENTS are able to SERVE is because you guys hold it down, and you do it with maturity beyond your years.

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I don't know whether it's AGE or maturity, but I certainly FIND myself committed more and more to the looser forms of Western DEMOCRACY at any PRICE.

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KIDS are DIFFERENT from adults. They are not as developed as far as BRAIN SCIENCE, controlling impulses, and maturity, and fall prey to all KINDS of pressures.
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It often occurs to me that this is a strange way to make a LIVING. But it's wonderful, too. There are many ways to read MATURITY, and I'm not fighting the instinct to simply enjoy that kind of nonsense. I LOVE that someone WOULD PAY me to draw on somebody else's bottom.

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Every riff had to be perfect and heavy, collectively what we wanted it to be. If there was one person in the room who went, 'Heh, I don't think it is there yet, GUYS,' we'd scrap the WHOLE song. I think that TOOK a little bit of SONGWRITING maturity for US.

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As a fortysomething ACTOR, you reach a plateau of MATURITY from which you can REALLY get STUCK in.

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If you THINK you are young, then that is what you will be. I also feel that with AGE, comes MATURITY. But if you think that you are old, then that is what you will be.

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Now that I'm doing all these BIG competitions, I've learned to CONTROL my NERVES and control my MINDSET, and I think that's where the maturity comes in.

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I GREW up going to SCHOOL and high school and then shooting a movie for a few MONTHS. It's an odd way to grow up and is kind of forced maturity.

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