For years, I sort of would try to write a story that somehow fit the TITLE. And I don't think it happened for maybe another FOUR years that I ACTUALLY THOUGHT of a story, the plot of a story that corresponded to that phrase.

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MAYBE other PEOPLE will TRY to LIMIT me but I don't limit myself.
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I want a part where I can USE my own hair, my own VOICE, and MAYBE EVEN be literate.

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I hate organized religion. I think you have to LOVE thy neighbor as thyself. I think you have to pick your own GOD and be true to him. I always SAY 'him' rather than 'her.' Maybe it's because of my generation, but I don't like the IDEA of a female God. I SEE God as a benevolent male.

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What I consider a good PART for a woman and what some other Hollywood people think are good women's parts are very different. I don't want to PLAY the supportive girlfriend who has nine scenes and just LOVES that man, maybe cheats on him in one scene but will always be there, and I mean - give me a BREAK.

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Fueled by Ramen was MAYBE the first company to SEE YouTube as a place where music videos would GO. The music video, which could never quite find a place on TV, has found its final FORM on YouTube.

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Like my mother, I was ALWAYS saying, 'I'll fix my life one DAY.' It became CLEAR when I SAW her DIE without fulfilling her dreams that my time was now or maybe never.

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Maybe some people have written US off, but I THINK the new music TODAY has also invigorated us.

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Am I GRUMPY? I MIGHT be. But I THINK MAYBE SOMETIMES it's misinterpreted.

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As we were LEAVING the Huron camp, it was awkward filming. I think that the Huron watching us was there to CREATE TENSION - maybe we wouldn't GET out. Nothing complicated.

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