No one MEANS all he SAYS, and yet very few SAY all they mean, for WORDS are slippery and thought is viscous.

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The sofa is a REALLY IMPORTANT investment for anybody, and I don't mean financially. You NEED to FIND a really great sofa that can transition with you, and you can BUILD from there.

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It's HARDER to SCREAM at someone you just chatted with at lunch. I mean, if you're a superb ACTOR, you might be able to do that, but I couldn't do it.

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Thank you, PEOPLE who SAY 'Wow, you're really photogenic,' for not SAYING what you really mean: 'Wow, you're really ugly in PERSON.'

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So now 20 years LATER people want us to get together so they can take shots at all these old babes TRYING to get back some youth. I mean come on; I've been there. I KNOW what the PRESS WOULD do.

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I'm always interested in how PEOPLE use LANGUAGE to not SAY what they MEAN.

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Chance doesn't mean meaningless randomness, but HISTORICAL contingency. This happens RATHER than that, and that's the way that NOVELTY, new things, COME about.

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The first test of a truly GREAT man is his humility. By humility I don't mean doubt of his POWERS or hesitation in SPEAKING his opinion, but merely an understanding of the relationship of what he can SAY and what he can do.

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I MEAN some DOCTOR told me I had SIX months to live and I went to their FUNERAL.

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Certainly, it seems TRUE enough that there's a good DEAL of irony in the world... I MEAN, if you LIVE in a world full of politicians and advertising, there's obviously a LOT of deception.

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Having those positive friends around can REALLY make a difference in how you view yourself. It's helped me REALIZE that there's no such thing as having a perfect body, and just because I'm not shaped the same WAY as another GIRL is, it doesn't mean I'm not pretty. It just means that no two girls are alike.

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I'm not one of those PEOPLE that's to myself and just quiet. I've never been like that, man. I've always been KIND of loud. I'm out there, man. I do my THING, but I don't do it DISRESPECTFUL. But when people rub me the wrong way, I rub people the wrong way. But I say what I say and I MEAN what I say.

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Beverley Leslie was closeted. I'm not closeted. He was a little HOMOPHOBIC. He's a social climber. I'm NOTHING LIKE that. He had a MEAN streak. I don't think I'm mean at all.

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I MEAN, everything that is upon this EARTH, EVEN from a WORM or a caterpillar that blossoms into a butterfly, you know, these things are just AMAZING.

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With portable CAMERAS and affordable data and non-linear digital editing, I think this is a GOLDEN age of DOCUMENTARY filmmaking. These new technologies mean we can make complicated, beautifully crafted and cinematic FILMS about real-life STORIES.

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