I have to be HONEST with you: When the FBI let me out of prison early to advise the agency on preventing fraud, I wasn't a changed person. I wasn't rehabilitated. But when I started working with the FBI, one of the most ethical groups of men and WOMEN in the world, I couldn't help but have some of that character rub off on me.

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I have a long connection with Kent and Canterbury and I HOPE to help other young men and women to ACHIEVE their ambitions through a wonderful UNIVERSITY experience.

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I don't KNOW why there is still any BARRIER between men and WOMEN in terms of achievement and SUCCESS.

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As I look BACK on my first YEAR as Director, I am more in awe of the men and WOMEN at CIA than ever before.

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We want our MEN and women to be CLOSELY attuned to the CULTURES in which they operate and to speak the local LANGUAGE.

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The first PROBLEM for all of US, MEN and women, is not to LEARN, but to unlearn.

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I never really liked HOLLYWOOD. I FOUND it unreal - unreal and full of MEN and WOMEN whose LIVES were confused and full of pain.

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There is no such THING as society: there are INDIVIDUAL MEN and women, and there are FAMILIES.

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WHETHER we LIKE it or not, men and women are not the same in nature, temperament, EMOTIONS and EMOTIONAL responses.

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From 1975-'79, I worked for PGA professional Tony Bruno. For five YEARS I watched, lost in admiration, as Tony ran the GOLF shop at Battleground Country Club in Manalapan, N.J. Tony put in 80-hour weeks doing what nearly 29,000 MEN and WOMEN club pros do EVERY day: Keeping the game alive with a smile.

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It's a THANKLESS JOB for POLICE officers, period, but specifically for MEN and women of color PROTECTING and serving.

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MEN and women are not the same in the KITCHEN. Women tend to be uninhibited and INSTINCTIVE. Men are inconsistent, EGOTISTICAL show-offs.

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We called our RESEARCH 'Getting to Equal - How DIGITAL is Helping to Close the Gender Gap at Work.' And at its heart we found that when men and WOMEN have the same level of digital fluency, women are BETTER at using their digital skills to gain more EDUCATION and find work.

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I BELIEVE MEN and WOMEN should be afforded the same OPPORTUNITIES.

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In an increasingly volatile and uncertain world, the MEN and women of the IOWA National Guard play a VITAL role in overseas contingency operations, domestic RESPONSE missions and aggressive training exercises to remain a READY and reliable force.

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