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I have a WEIRD thing against facials. I FEEL like all day my face is being touched and MESSED with on set, so I don't WANT more PEOPLE touching my face!

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There is no good LEADER. FIRST of all, if you think you are a leader, you are just messed up in your head. People should think you are a leader. If you think you are a BIG SUCCESS, again, you are messed up. Other people should think you are a success.

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When the things in front of you in life REVEAL how messed up the system is, you lose faith in the system pretty quickly. You develop a contrarian ATTITUDE. Your instinct is to DISAGREE with the STATUS quo and then, if you can, to TRY and shake it up.

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Vine MESSED up - they let their TOP creators LEAVE the APP.

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When I was a kid, I had a PERIOD in my life when I was eight or nine when I was so scared of dying that I wouldn't GO out of our house for a WHOLE year. I refused to step out of the door because I THOUGHT something would happen. I had all these compulsive thoughts or WHATEVER, and my head was really messed up.

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If I had any ADVICE to GIVE people, it would be to relax; never treat an audition LIKE an emergency. There will be plenty more in your career. If you THINK you MESSED up, you probably didn't. And if you did mess up, it's not the end of the world.

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I don't LIKE running when I'm holding things in my hand, WHETHER it's a dog LEASH or a baby jogger. My mechanics GET all MESSED up.

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My BACK is permanently MESSED up.

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In 1985, I was living with my sister in VIRGINIA, and since I was still in high SCHOOL, I worked at McDonald's to SAVE money to get an abortion. It sounds really terrible, but it was the best decision I ever MADE. It was the first time I took responsibility for my actions. I messed up, had sex without contraception, and GOT pregnant at 15.

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Most of the PEOPLE I KNOW in COMEDY are not WEIRD or MESSED up.

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I TRULY believe that everything I need to FLOURISH nutritionally is found in nature and that some stuff just shouldn't be messed with, especially the food I'm PUTTING in my BODY.

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I think it's hilarious that you would GIVE an endorsement deal to SOMEONE who you've heard their lyrics a MILLION times and you thought it was COOL. And then they said something a little messed up and you take the endorsement deal away.

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My video game character is a BIT better LOOKING than me, actually. I don't THINK he has to worry about his hair GETTING messed up.

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I'm my WORST critic, and I like the fact that I can LISTEN to myself now and make fun of myself, listen, make changes - 'Oh, MAN, that's messed up. OKAY, I need to work on that; I need to work on this.'

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