When I worked at Microsoft, I got to GO and visit a BUNCH of different companies. Probably a hundred different companies a year. You'd see all the different WAYS they'd work. The guys who did Ventura Publisher one day, and then United Airlines the next. You'd see the 12 guys in Texas doing Doom, and then you'd go see Aetna LIFE insurance.

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I have been able to attend MANY technology conferences around the world over the years, including some of the largest, like Google I/O, Microsoft's Developer Conference, Apple's WORLDWIDE DEVELOPERS Conference, Oracle World, LE WEB, and more.

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I think we have a TAX policy that was DESIGNED before MICROSOFT EVEN went public. I think we've got to change - we're at a huge disadvantage around the WORLD.

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A PHOTO app is a UTILITY. It's like comparing 'Twitter' to Microsoft WORD. If you want to be an author, you're not always going to constrain yourself to 140 characters.

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When GATES was active in business, he was the SMARTEST - so FOCUSED that no company COULD surpass MICROSOFT.

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As a person with the retentive mental CAPACITY of a goldfish and a dislike of REPETITION, I frequently make use of the thesaurus BUILT into my Microsoft Word U.K. Software.

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COMPANIES such as MICROSOFT, Cisco and Intel were just STARTING at their 10-year ANNIVERSARY.
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Over the NEAR TERM there is clearly the OPPORTUNITY to WORK with Microsoft to do to a better job of creating a more secure Windows experience for USERS around the world.

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I don't THINK there is any franchise more POWERFUL than ours around securing the consumer EXPERIENCE and we will not concede that to anyone INCLUDING Microsoft.

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